Open The Infopath Form Template and create new with enable browser compatible check box checked.
Step2: Create the DataSource:
a> Add group named Service Approval with right click on my fields.
b> Now with right click on Service Approval Add the repeating group named Person.
3> With right click on Person Add three fields named DisplayName, AccountId, AccountType like below screen shot.
Step3: Add the another group named DepositApproval in myfields.
Step4: with right Click on Person in ServiceApproval click on Reference. after clicking this new window open like:
Select the DepositApproval group and click OK. The repeating group People copied to the DepositApproval group.
Step5: Drag and Drop ServiceApproval group and click on ContactSelector.
Step6: Repeate step4 for DepositApproval.
Step7: For Association Form Add the Submit button on Form and create a Context.xml file. To create this file open the notepad ,write given text and save it as xml format.
Step8: Add a Primary Data Connection:
On the infopath form select the Tools->DataConnection->Add->CreateNew Connection->Submit Data->Select To the Hosting environment->Next-> Finish.
Step9: Add a secondary data source XML file.
On the infopath form select the Tools->DataConnection->Add->CreateNew Connection->Receive Data->XML Document->Resource File->Add->Select the Context.xml File-> Click Ok-> Next-> Finish.
Step10: Add Datasource on Button. Double Click on the Submit button->Rules->Add->Add Action-> Select the Submit Using Data connecction and click ok. and again click on Add Action->Select Close The Form and Press OK.-> ok and Apply.
Step11: Security Setting is very important step for infopath form.
click on the Tools->Form Option-> Security and Trust-> select Domain-> OK.
Step12: Now on the Infopath menu : click File and then click on save as datasource.and also after that publich the form on Network Location->Next -> select the location-> Next-> delete the selected text->Next->OK->Publish-> Close.
Step13: Add the Published Form in the project.
Step14: open the command prompt and go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\SDK\v3.5\Bin location where xsd.exe file exist. if there is no file than plz download the xsd.exe from internet.
write the following commands:
This Command create the myschema.cs file in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\SDK\v3.5\Bin location.
Step15: Add this myschema.cs file in the project and rename it same as the infoapth form.
Step16: Go to the Published infoapth form and in the file manu click on Properties. Copy the propertyID of the infopath form.
Step17: In the Project open the workflow.xml file and paste the id in
Step18: open the feature.xml file from the project and add the infopath form name in
Step19: Build the Project, deploy it and than test.
Its realy good artical.