Thursday, May 31, 2012

Handle Session Timeout with JQUERY

Use below code copy and paste for testing: This code keep your session alive if you click on OK button when message pop show. but if you don't click on this button it by default redirect to again same page. So you didn't get session timeout issue again. I had get junk character when session timeout. I did everything e.g webconfig setting  to increase the session timeout and request timeout etc but didn't get any success but now everything is working fine. In the below code i highlighted the main code.

Step1: Put these script and css in the Title Tag

 <script type="text/javascript" src="JS/jquery-ui-1.8rc1.custom.min.js">script>
 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="JS/jquery-ui-1.8rc1.custom.css" />
 <script type="text/javascript" src="JS/jquery.idletimer.js">script>

Step2: This is script. Write this code in script tag

 var idleTime = 3000; //60000; //1800000; // number of miliseconds until the user is considered idle
        var initialSessionTimeoutMessage = 'Your session will expire in  seconds.

Click on OK to continue your session.'
        var sessionTimeoutCountdownId = 'sessionTimeoutCountdown';
        var redirectAfter = 20; // number of seconds to wait before redirecting the user
        var redirectTo = window.location; // URL to relocate the user to once they have timed out
        //        here window.location is used because it set the current url

        var keepAliveURL = 'keepAlive.php'; // URL to call to keep the session alive
        var expiredMessage = 'Your session has expired.  You are being logged out for security reasons.'; // message to show user when the countdown reaches 0
        var running = false; // var to check if the countdown is running
        var timer; // reference to the setInterval timer so it can be stopped
        $(document).ready(function () {
            // create the warning window and set autoOpen to false
            var sessionTimeoutWarningDialog = $("#sessionTimeoutWarning");
                title: 'Session Expiration Warning',
                autoOpen: false, // set this to false so we can manually open it
                closeOnEscape: false,
                draggable: false,
                width: 460,
                minHeight: 50,
                modal: true,
                beforeclose: function () { // bind to beforeclose so if the user clicks on the "X" or escape to close the dialog, it will work too
                    // stop the timer

                    // stop countdown
                    running = false;

                    // ajax call to keep the server-side session alive
                        url: keepAliveURL,
                        async: false
                buttons: {
                    OK: function () {
                        // close dialog
                resizable: false,
                open: function () {
                    // scrollbar fix for IE
                    $('body').css('overflow', 'hidden');
                close: function () {
                    // reset overflow
                    $('body').css('overflow', 'auto');
            }); // end of dialog

            // start the idle timer

            // bind to idleTimer's idle.idleTimer event
            $(document).bind("idle.idleTimer", function () {
                // if the user is idle and a countdown isn't already running
                if ($.data(document, 'idleTimer') === 'idle' && !running) {
                    var counter = redirectAfter;
                    running = true;

                    // intialisze timer
                    $('#' + sessionTimeoutCountdownId).html(redirectAfter);
                    // open dialog

                    // create a timer that runs every second
                    timer = setInterval(function () {
                        counter -= 1;

                        // if the counter is 0, redirect the user
                        if (counter === 0) {
                            window.location = redirectTo;
                        } else {
                            $('#' + sessionTimeoutCountdownId).html(counter);
                    }, 1000);


Step3:Put this in before closing the body tag:

    div id="sessionTimeoutWarning" style="display: none">

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dynamic Tree View in

I have created a function to bind treeview control with database in It is upto three label. To use this code first copy it and paste it on your page and then call this method Bind_Tree() on page load event. Also create a database for this. I have created three table (tbl_MainCategory,tbl_SubCategory,tbl_Accessory ) in the database and bind three view upto three label with these three tables. 


SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection();
SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
string PageName = "default.aspx?{0}={1}";

void Bind_Tree()
con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["cn"].ConnectionString);
if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
con.Open(); }








SqlCommand SqlCmd = new SqlCommand("Select * from tbl_MainCategory", con);
SqlDataReader Sdr = SqlCmd.ExecuteReader();
string[,] ParentNode = new string[100, 2];
int count = 0;
while (Sdr.Read())
ParentNode[count, 0] = Sdr.GetValue(Sdr.GetOrdinal("Id")).ToString();
ParentNode[count++, 1] = Sdr.GetValue(Sdr.GetOrdinal("Category")).ToString();
for (int loop = 0; loop < count; loop++)
TreeNode root = new TreeNode();

root.Text = ParentNode[loop, 1];
root.Target = "_blank";
root.NavigateUrl = string.Format(PageName, "Main Category", ParentNode[loop, 0]);

SqlCommand Module_SqlCmd = new SqlCommand("Select * from tbl_SubCategory where MainCategory =" + ParentNode[loop, 0], con);
SqlDataReader Module_Sdr = Module_SqlCmd.ExecuteReader();

int count1=0;
string[,] childNode = new string[100, 2];
while (Module_Sdr.Read())
childNode[count1, 0] = Module_Sdr.GetValue(Module_Sdr.GetOrdinal("Id")).ToString();
childNode[count1++, 1] = Module_Sdr.GetValue(Module_Sdr.GetOrdinal("Category")).ToString();
for (int i = 0; i < count1; i++)
TreeNode child = new TreeNode();

child.Text = childNode[i, 1];
child.Target = "_blank";
child.NavigateUrl = string.Format(PageName, "Category", childNode[i, 0]);

SqlCommand level3_SqlCmd = new SqlCommand("Select * from tbl_Accessory where Category =" + childNode[i, 0], con);
SqlDataReader level3_Sdr = level3_SqlCmd.ExecuteReader();
while (level3_Sdr.Read())
TreeNode subChild = new TreeNode();
subChild.Text = level3_Sdr.GetValue(level3_Sdr.GetOrdinal("Accessory")).ToString();

subChild.Target = "_blank";

subChild.NavigateUrl = string.Format(PageName, "SubCategory", level3_Sdr.GetValue(level3_Sdr.GetOrdinal("Id")).ToString());

